Get Out Of My House
This project was created as part of a school assignment titled "Mythe," where we were tasked with selecting a myth from a provided list to develop a game around. We chose the Domovoi, a Russian domestic spirit known for its role in protecting both the house and its inhabitants.
The Story
As a seasoned thief, your job is to break into houses and steal valuable items. When you hear rumors about a blind man living in a particular house, you think, "What an easy target—he can't even see me. This will be like taking candy from a baby."
However, you quickly discover that this house is far from ordinary. It is guarded by an enigmatic and formidable protector. By the time you realize the gravity of your mistake, it’s already too late to back out...
The Goal of the Game
The objective of the game is to gather as much loot as possible. However, the Domovoi, the house's relentless guardian, will do everything in its power to thwart your efforts. As you collect valuables, you'll face increasing resistance from this formidable protector. Once you've either amassed sufficient loot or can no longer withstand the pressure, find your way to the nearest exit and make your escape. But beware—the door is locked…
My Contribution to the Project
My primary role in this project was to ensure the VR functionality was implemented effectively. This included enabling player movement using the VR controllers, allowing the player to pick up and throw objects, and enabling interaction with doors and closets. Additionally, I worked on a non-VR related task: the flashlight. I programmed the flashlight to illuminate when turned on and remain inactive when turned off, and also handled the texture change to reflect its on/off state.